Monday, January 3, 2011

Perutusan Tahun Baru 2011

lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.......memulakan tugas pertama di tahun baru 2011...azam tahun baru xdak...sama seperti tahun2 sudah...masih belum kecapaian :(

Hari milik orang-orang bujangan....
yang berkeluarga..masih bercuti

Sebagai pembakar semangat untuk tahun 2011
..marilah sama-sama menghayati teks perutusan tahun baru 2011 oleh My Big-Big Boss


All Staff and Students,
University of Malaya.

New Year Greetings/New Era of Development

First of all, may I wish all staff and students of UM a very Happy,
Successful and Blessed New Year. Year 2010 has been a very successful
year in terms of research and academic growth where among others, UM
has lead in meeting the MQA's standard for its academic programs,
student's development programs, international networking, intensifying
quality research, increased generation of ISI journal papers in terms
of numbers and quality, recruitment of Academic Icons and First Class
Bright Sparks and so on.

I wish to thank greatly all staff and students who have worked hard to
contribute towards developing UM into a truly competitive world class
university. The hard work and dedication of all staff and students is
extremely important and crucial to UM's continued growth and
development in this competitive era. Positive results and indications
are plenty to show that we are now on solid track to climb further on
World Ranking. We are clearly the hope of the nation to spearhead
global higher education competition.

The way forward will see an intensification of all academic and
research academic activities on a greater scale. Besides this, the
university is now on track to meet the challenges set by PSPTN in
terms achieving financial autonomy. Several new initiatives are
already planned and one very important project is the Health
Metropolis project whose details are as in the attachment. I am
forwarding this write-up for all to read and understand as this will
be a major undertaking by UM in the next 5 years. This project is one
among several others that will put UM in a clear leading position
above other local universities and a project that needs to be done so
as to make sure we could achieve a comfortable 50% financial
self-sufficiency upon reaching year 2020.

Once again, my very best wishes to all. Together we will take UM into
the next decade of success and prominence for the Nation that we love
and care.

Best personal regards.


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